Our New Home!
Studio Notes | What We’ve Been Up To
Studio Notes | What We’ve Been Up To
We’ve moved! Just a few weeks ago we joined the community at Dublin’s Digital Hub on Thomas Street. We’ve been getting settled in, including multiple IKEA visits, lots of iterations in furniture layout, and one smelly bin at the end of the week (oops!)… but we’re really looking forward to hosting clients and friends here in 2024.
The Digital Hub is a leading cluster of startup and established businesses set in the historic Liberties area of Dublin. We’ve had a wonderful welcome from the team and from our fellow member companies.
Our little studio looks out on the Roe & Co distillery building, with views of the historic St. Patrick’s windmill tower at the heart of the campus and Ireland’s oldest pear tree!
Follow us for more on our exciting plans for 2024, including, we hope, lots of activities, opportunities, and events around service design and people-centred design.